Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request

Prayer Request #1:

Over the last several months I have met new people who are on or who have been on the same type of journey that Mark and I are on. We are members of a community that is called Living With Trisomy 13, where we can meet people who have had or currently have children with trisomy 13. One relationship that we have developed is with a young couple from Arizona, who found out about four weeks after me and Mark that their little girl has full trisomy 13. Her name is Kinsley, and her parents are Katy and Josh. They are an awesome family and we have grown close over the last few months as we have gone through this journey together.

I got a text message around 1 a.m. last night that said her water broke and Kinsley is coming. She is currently only 35 weeks, but we are praying that their hopes and prayers get answered and they get to at least meet their little girl. I know how much it would mean for them to get to hold her while she has a heartbeat, but if it is not in God's plan then I ask for prayers for comfort and strength for them. 

Please pray for their family during this time that they receive comfort and great care, and pray for their little girl Kinsley.  

Prayer Request #2:

When I found out I was pregnant and decided to tell all my best friends back home about it at six weeks (we could not wait any longer), that SAME exact night my best friend Fiona also announced that she was PREGNANT. We were due less than a week apart... how crazy is that?! 

Her little boy Robert (Robbie) was born last Thursday. Everything was going great until about 30 seconds after he came out he stopped breathing. They originally thought it was just fluid that he could not get out, but when they did further tests they discovered he has a severe heart defect. His arteries were not hooked up to the correct part of his heart.

After transferring him to Cincinnati Children's Hospital, they have been waiting to find out when he is to get surgery. The surgery board met yesterday and decided that his surgery will be tomorrow. PLEASE pray for Robbie to get through his surgery, and for his parents to stay strong. Also pray for the Lord to guide the doctor's hands through this surgery.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


  1. Will be praying for both families!

  2. I will pray for both families, and continue prayers for your family, as well.

  3. Praying for them. Do you have an update on both of the babies?

    I am thinking and praying for you often.
