Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another Bump in the Road

We have come across another hill on this roller coaster journey of ours these past few days. One week ago I was bragging about how "healthy" I am, especially for a pregnant person. My doctor told me that my iron levels are through the roof, which is abnormal for a pregnant lady. My platelets were also in the normal range, at 160,000 (normal is 150,000 to 400,000). Unfortunately I spoke to soon.. last Friday I got a phone call after my prenatal appointment informing me that my levels have now dropped to 64,000. We scheduled an appointment to get them checked again Saturday in case we needed immediate treatment. They were down to 55,000. So.... after seeing my hematologist yesterday he decided to put me on a very aggressive form of steroid. I only take it for 4 days, because it is about 40 times stronger than prednisone. The side affects should wear off after day 5, so we are hoping they are not too drastic. 

I thought for sure that things could not get much worse, but Mark put it in good terms: we have just come across another bump in the road. Of course I am terrified, for Adalyn's sake. We are asking for prayers that this treatment will not affect her in any negative way, and that the Decadron medicine will bring my platelets up for when I go into labor. We are very thankful for our faith, because if not for it, I would be a horrible mess right now. He is teaching me to trust in Him and to be patient. These things are happening for a reason, and when we come out of all this, we will be stronger than ever. A stronger couple, and a stronger relationship with Christ. 

On a good note, I am almost 34 weeks, so we still have our little fighter. Last week we met with the neonatologist, nurses, and a social worker. We gave them our birth plan and finalized what to expect when I go into labor. They were very sincere and we feel like we are in great hands. When it comes time, they are going to make our experience as good as it can possibly be and as comfortable as possible. These next several weeks are going to need lots of prayers and patience. Again, we are thankful for everyone's prayers and support. Without them, we would not be where we are today.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see an update! Been praying for you. Hope the meds don't cause too many side effects!! Maybe they will just help Addy's lungs mature, too, as an added bonus! :) I was on high prednisone for 3 months - ugh! Hoping things improve quickly!!
